Krapp on üks vanematest ja tuntumatest värvitaimedest, kuid lihtsalt ta ennast kätte ei anna. Ihaldusväärne on tugev punane värv, kuid probleem on selles, et krapijuurtes olev punane pigment alisariin ei lahustu vees eriti hästi. Samas on krapijuurtes palju kollaseid pigmente, mis punase oranžiks muudavad. Krapiga värvimise keerulisusest saab aimu, kui vaadata tohutut hulka erinevaid nõuandeid, mida peaks tegema, et ilusat punast saada. Trüki Google'isse "dyeing with madder" ja veeda unetu öö :) Kui korraliku punase lõnga saan, siis kirjutan, mis töötas.
Minu esimeste värvimiste tulemuseks on heledam ja tumedam lõheroosa ning porgandivärv (lõngad ülemisel pildil). 50 g krapiga sain 75 g lõnga. Lõngad olid maarjajääga peitsitud ning värvides temperatuuri üle 60 kraadi ei lasknud, lõngadel lasin jahtuda värvivees üleöö. Kuumutasin juuri vaid ühe tunni, olen näinud retsepte, kus öeldakse 5-6 tundi. Roosad sain paarisentimeetriste juuretükkidega värvides (tumedama esimesel ja heledama teisel korral). Seejärel kuivatasin juured ning peenestasin nii peeneks kui sain (kasutades vana hakklihamasinat ja kohviveskit). Puru oli kuumutamise ja värvimise ajal nailonsuka sees. Sain oranži lõnga. Mitte et nad ilusad poleks, aga... Punasejaht jätkub.
Madder is one of the oldest and best known dyeplants, but it's not easy to get true reds with madder. The problem is that the red pigment alizarine doesn't dissolve readily in water. And there are many yellow pigments in madder roots that change the colour to orange. You can get an idea how complicated dyeing with madder roots can get, if you look at the vast amount of tips and information available. Search Google for "dyeing with madder" and have a sleepless night :) After I get a beautiful red with madder, I will write what works.
I got two different shades of salmon pink and carrot'y orange with my first dyeings (yarns on the first photo). Yarns were premordanted with alum and I let the yarns cool in the dyebath overnight. The temperatures of dye baths didn't exceed 60 degrees. I simmered the roots for 1 hour, but I've seen recipes where 5-6 hours are suggested. I got the pinks when dyeing with whole roots (ca 2 cm pieces). The darker one was from first dyeing and lighter colour from afterbath. Then I dried the roots and ground them using old meat and coffee grinders. I put the ground roots in an old nylon stocking while dyeing. That's how I got the orange yarn. I dyed altogether 75 g yarn with 50 g of madder. Anyway, the colours are not bad, but... Hunt for The Red continues.

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