Peab tunnistama, et kui ma kedervarrega ketramisega alustasin, tegin selle enda jaoks keeruliseks (ise seda teadmata, muidugi). Minu esimene kedervars oli liiga raske (100 g), praegu kasutan seda vaid korrutamiseks. Teiseks kasutasin ketramiseks mingit suvalist villaloori, vist Jõgeval tehtud. See oli ebameeldivalt kare ja lisaks veel väga lühikese kiuga, mis tegi ketramise raskeks. Minu uus kedervars kaalub natuke üle 50 g, tellisin selle Meelilt. Martinite kedervarred on veel selle poolest erilised, et nad on käsitsi nikerdatud konksuga, mitte tavapärase metallist konksuga.
Nii et kui kedervarrega ketramine kohe ei laabu, võiks esimese asjana "varustuse" kriitilise pilguga üle vaadata.
Ja kedratud lõngast heegeldasin endale lihtsa, ühekordsetest sammastest sallkrae sügiseks. Kasutasin nr. 6 heegelnõela. Kuna lõnga loomulik värv oli nii ilus, ei hakanud värvimisega üldse vaeva nägema. Muuseas, modelliks on mu õde. Ta tegi mulle märkuse, et peaksin seda mainima - äkki muidu arvate, et mina nii ilus olen :P
There are wools that are easy to spin and there are wools that are difficult to spin. Bluefaced Leicester's wool belongs to the first group. It's staple length is 8-15 cm, the wool is very soft and has a wonderful lustre. It's a very good wool for a beginner handspinner. I spun from a combed top. When the wool is combed, all short fibers are removed and the fibers are totally parallel. Carded wool has long as well as short fibers and most of the fibers are in the same direction, but not absolutely parallel. A batt, for example, is a retangle of carded fiber. Carded fiber is said to be easier to spin for a beginner.
I have to admit - when I started to spin on a spindle, I made it difficult for me (not knowingly, of course). My spindle was too heavy (100 g) and the wool I used was unpleasantly coarse and the fibers were very short. Now I use this heavy spindle only for plying, and for spinning I have a new one that weighs between 50-60 grams.
So, if spinning on a spindle seems too difficult, take a look at your equipment - maybe you need to make some changes.
I crocheted a very simple scarfette for myself from the BFL yarn. The natural colour was so beautiful that I didn't want to dye it. By the way - it's my sister on the picture with the scarfette, not me. She's far more beautiful than me :)
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