Buchanani lõngad olid erkkollased, seega olin üpris pettunud, kui esimese värvimise järel ei jäänud minul lõngale pea mingit värvi. Kuumutasin lõngu siis veelkord. Pärast, kui lõng kuivanud oli, olin tulemusega tegelikult üpris rahul. Selline kena pastelne helekollane, mis sobib väga hästi heledate indigosiniste ja -rohelistega. Erkkollase saamiseks tuleb nähtavasti oluliselt rohkem humalat võtta. Ehk proovin sügise poole jälle.
Värvimise käik: 100 g lõnga kohta võtsin 500 g humalavarsi ja -lehti. Humala korjamisel peavad kindad käes olema, varred on üpris vastikult kriipivad. Kuumutasin humalat 1 h, lasin üleöö jahtuda. Kurnasin värvivee. Kuumutasin maarjajääga peitsitud lõnga värvivees 1 h, lasin üleöö jahtuda. Kuna värv oli väga plass, kuumutasin lõnga järgmisel päeval veelkord 1 h ja lasin üleöö värvivees jahtuda.
I was quite surprised when I found out that hops (Humulus lupulus) is growing around my house. For some reason I had thought that it was a plant you needed to cultivate, but after a little reading I found out that hops is quite common to Estonia. You can find it mostly near rivers and lakes. In Rita Buchanan's book "A Dyer's Garden" hops was listed as a dye plant, so I decided to give it a go.
Buchanan's yarns dyed with hops were bright yellow, so I was dissapointed when mine didn't take almost any colour after the first dyeing. So I simmered the yarns once more and in the end I got a pale yellow, that was actually quite nice. It goes very well together with light indigoblues and -greenes. I guess one has to take more of hops to get brighter colour. Maybe I'll try again in autumn.
Dyeing: I took 500 g of hops for 100 g of yarn. You have to wear gloves when collecting hops for it's shoots will scratch. I simmered the hops for 1 hour, let it cool overnight, then strained the dyebath. I added the yarn, simmered for 1 hour and let it cool overnight. As the yarn didn't have much colour, I simmered it again for 1 hour and let it cool overnight in the dye bath.
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