Lõngad olid eelpeitsitud maarjajääga. Mõtlesin, et kuna puukoor sisaldab tanniini, võiks värvi ka niisama lõnga külge jääda (tanniin mõjub peitsina). Aga ei - peitsimata lõng värvi külge ei võtnud. Küllap on noore puukoore tanniinisisaldus madal.
Värvimisest ka. Koored kuivasid umbes nädala. Siis leotasin üleöö vihmavees ja järgmisel päeval keetsin tasakesi 2 tundi. Lasin üleöö jahtuda ja kurnasin. Hautasin lõnga 80-90 kraadi juures 1 tunni, lasin üleöö värvivees jahtuda. Koore ja lõnga vahekord ca 1,5:1.
Our apple trees were trimmed this spring, as usually. The twigs were left under the trees, until I gathered them together and peeled the bark for dyeing. It was a lot of work, because the twigs were young and thin and I wasn't expecting much of this dyeing. Klemola and Dean both say in their books that you can get (yellowish) brown from apple tree bark. So, I was totally unprepared and surprised (in a good way), when I pulled this wonderful golden-yellow yarn from my dyepot! My pictures don't do justice to the colour of the yarn, but you can look at the dandelions outside - the yarn is as yellow as these flowers. I got beautiful colour from the afterbath as well - this yellow was warmer (right skein on the upper picture).
The yarns were premordanted with alum. I was thinking that as tree barks contain tannin, which acts as a mordant, I might be able to dye the yarn even without alum mordant. But I was wrong about that - maybe the bark of young twigs has too little of it.
About the dyeing. I let the barks dry for a week or so. Then I soaked them in rainwater overnight and simmered for 2 hours on the next day. I let the dyebath cool overnight and strained it. I simmered the yarn in the dyebath for 1 hour and let it cool in the pot overnight. The bark:yarn ratio was about 1,5:1.
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