Ma tean, et paljudel värvijatel on tema "Wild Colour" . Aga Amazonis oli ainult paar kasutatud raamatut, mida siia ei saadeta ja Krisostomuse pakkumine oli üle 1200 krooni...
I like books :) A few days ago I got the new book from Jenny Dean - "Colours from Nature. A Dyer's Handbook". It took me only one day to read it, but it takes probably years to try all the recipes. It suits me that she only uses alum and iron mordants and teaches how to make your own metallic (aluminium, iron and copper water) or plant (oxalic acid from rhubarb leaf, tannin) mordants. Plus instructions for making alkaline, acidic, iron and copper colour modifiers. You can read how to test the light- and wash-fastness of the colours and colour potential of plants. The recipes are divided by colours. Lot's of recipes for "big" natural dyes like madder, cochineal, indigo and weld. Rhubarb root seems to be one of her favourites, too :) But I guess as she's a professional dyer, she wants to recommend dyes which are most versatile and with the best light- and wash-fastness.
I know that many dyers have her book "Wild Colour", but it was too expensive - I would have had to pay over $120...
2 kommentaari:
Väga põnev tundub.
Olen ise oblikatest peitsi keetnud ning kasutanud. Hapukurgi soolvett ka. Mõned taimed on ise nii tugevad värviandjad, et toon jääb püsima ilma peitsita. Nt toomingamarjad.
Mul on nüüdseks juba kolm ingliskeelset värviraamatut ja pean kahjuks ütlema, et Klemola raamat on ainus, mis eestikeelsetest nende tasemeni tõuseb... Püüan peatselt ka teiste raamatute tutvustused kirja panna.
Toomingamarju ootan ka kannatamatult :)
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