Ja mis on see algus?
See on, kui tunned armastust -
siis paistab lõpus valgus.
P. Volkonski
Ma tean üpris täpselt, millal sai alguse minu vaimustus looduslike värvidega värvimisest. See oli siis, kui sain kätte Etsy'st tellitud Jane Porteri värvitud lõngad:

Ülemine on värvitud košenilli ja sinipuiduga. Lõng on 50% meriinovilla ja 50% kašmiiri. Alumine lõng on värvitud makluura, krapi ja košenilliga, lõnga koostis 50% meriino ja 50% siid (pruun lõng on Garnstudio Alpaca Susa poest). Need olid nii kaunid, et ma ei raatsinud neid käest panna ja muudkui käisin lõngasid silitamas ja vaatamas. Siiani olin arvanud, et taimedega värvimine tähistab automaatselt rohelist ja pruuni, heal juhul kollast :) Ning kui ma veel Leena Riihelä blogi avastasin ja tema indigoga värvitud lõngasid nägin, olin ma kadunud naine :) Kuna Eestis ei müüda ei indigot ega košenilli ja madarajuurigi pole praegu kusagilt võtta, saigi interneti teel tellimus sisse antud. Nüüd jääb üle vaid oodata...
I decided to write this blog parallely in Estonian and in English. I am trying to keep it informative and so I hope it would be interesting to read for people from other countries too, who are interested in dyeing with natural dyes. I really like Leena Riihelä's blog and I'm very thankful to her that she writes in English as well.
On this first post you can see pictures of yarns that tempted me into trying dyeing with natural dyes. I bought these yarns from Etsy and they are dyed by Jane Porter. The first one is dyed with cochineal and logwood and the second one with osage, madder and cochineal (the brown yarn on the second picture is Garnstudio Alpaca). Until then I thought that you could get green and brown from natural dyes, maybe yellow too :)
It is not possible to buy neither indigo, cochineal nor madder in Estonia. So I ordered some through internet and now I just have to wait...
1 kommentaar:
I really appreciate that you write also in English, it takes more time, but you get to share your expriences with more peple this way. And for instance I can read this blog easier now:) (many words are similar in finnish and estonian, but not enough for me to understand correctly)
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